Helping voters vote, answering their questions, guiding them through the voting process and guarding the integrity of our elections is paramount in determining the will of the voters in selecting our leaders. The precinct election officials who are tasked with these duties are dedicated to our democracy and to making sure elections run smoothly.
Precinct election officials are the key ingredient in running our polling places on election day.
Become a Precinct Election OfficialServe your country
Be compensated
Step up and be an election hero

Well-run elections are the key to our democracy, which binds the fabric of our society.
Would you consider being a precinct election official this year?
Each year, we need thousands of Iowans to step up and make sure our elections run smoothly across more than 1,600 voting precincts.

General Election
Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Precinct Election Official Requirements. You must:
- Be registered to vote in Iowa
- Be at least 17 years old
- Be a resident of the county you serve in
- Complete the required training
Why I choose to be a poll worker
Chuck, Precinct Election Official
Johnson County
Doug, Precinct Election Official
Madison County
Sharlot, Precinct Election Official
Audubon County
Katie, Precinct Election Official
Muscatine County
Mario, Precinct Election Official
Muscatine County
Nicholas, Precinct Election Official
Clinton County
So what would you do as a precinct election official?
On Election Day, you would check in voters and issue them ballots. Most counties use a computer to walk precinct election officials through the steps. Designated precinct election officials give instructions on how to use special ballot marking devices for people with disabilities. Voters also may vote their ballots from their cars, so you might be sent outside with another precinct election official to assist with curbside voting. You also may help maintain proper social distancing at the polling place.
Your overall boss would be your County Auditor, who runs local elections. Auditors hire, train and deploy precinct election officials on Election Day. Each polling place has a precinct chair who will assign your specific tasks at the direction of the Auditor.
It’s a long day! Polls are open from 7:00 am-8:00 pm, and precinct election officials start setting up at 6:00 am.
It takes commitment and dedication.
You would be paid for your training session and for your work on Election Day. Rates vary from county to county.
If you are interested, please complete this form.
We will send it to your County Auditor, who will follow up with you. By filling out this form, you are expressing your interest in becoming a precinct election official. Filling out this form does not commit you to serving, and it does not commit the County Auditor to hiring you. It will put you in direct contact with your County Auditor.
"*" indicates required fields

Paul D. Pate
Iowa Secretary of State
Service · Participation · Integrity
Office of the Iowa Secretary of State
State Capitol · Des Moines, IA 50319